
Last week we read about rocks, but this week we read about something messier: mud! We read one story, Karma Wilson’s Hogwash!. A farmer wants to give his hogs a bath, but the hogs are not interested in getting clean. The farmer finally comes up with a plan, but will it work? The story is told in rhyme, which really makes it fun to read aloud.


After our story, we sang/chanted David Axtell’s version of “We’re Going On a Lion Hunt.” I told the kids they would have to help me tell the story, and they made motions and repeated verses.

We danced to three Jim Gill songs, “The Tempo Marches On,” “Jump Up, Turn Around,” and “Spaghetti Legs.” Afterwards, we did a few rolls of the exercise dice, then went to our tables and played with Play-Doh.

The craft this week was a pig in mud:

Pig in Mud Craft

The pig I used can be found at Blackberry Jelly. The kids colored their pigs in, then glued torn brown tissue paper on top for the mud.

Next week, we’ll be reading stories about the Fourth of July. Hope to see you there!

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